Thursday, October 25, 2012

Everyone Googles.

This document is of the civil rights vote tally that was taken in 1964. It’s a list of names and marks threw them to show who voted for what and at the top shows if it was passed or not.  The first search sting that I used was for this was the civil rights act of 1964 but I couldn't find much there that I was looking for. Then I used the civil rights vote and looked under Google imagines to find the picture. After I clicked on the link of the picture  I then found that it just told me what the pictures name was and nothing about what it meant. So then I took the name of the picture and used that to find a new site. The only sites that it gave me were 3 cites the first one was off what I have added a link to at the bottom and then 2 other sites that took you to places where you can buy documents.  The first source was credible only to verify that it is a real document that was use back in 1964, but I did some more searching but googling the 1964 civil rights act and found a wikipedia site that used the same picture and gave more information about it. For a credible source better then wikipedia I found was by the U.S Senate committee which gave information about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I first googled J.F. Blake, 12-1-1955 and found that the first site showed the whole document not just the first half and it gave an explanation of what happened and who was being arrested. This document was of Rosa Parks being arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man in a bus. The first search string that I used worked well because each link took me to different websites of the same information about bus boycotts and Rosa Parks being arrested. Yes that first site was credible but I think that the other site I looked at was a better, more credible site, it was of an article someone wrote about the boycotts and civil rights with many sources to site where the information had come from. 

The first thing I googled was freedom riders map and I got many different links about the different places the freedom rides stopped off at. The first link was to just a short description of what the freedom rides was and who came up with the idea but nothing more as to what happened. I then googled freedom riders CORE and found the website for Congress of Radical Equality which was the group that had put together the freedom rides. I feel that this is the most credible source for this because it is run by the people that did and created the freedom rides. This site gives the story of what happened on that trip, where they had gone, and why they were doing it.

After reading this letter I googled Mrs. Henry M. Robert Jr.  and the first site was a Wikipedia site of the Daughters of the American Revolution, I skipped it and went on to the second site just to make sure I was finding more credible sources. The second site I had found was a government page of the document and a description of what Eleanor Roosevelt reason for write the letter even though it was made very clear in the letter. This site is credible because it was a government site and no one can just make their own government site. I also went back to the Wikipedia site just to see what was said on there and found that it was about the Daughters of the American Revolution. It explained of what they do and how to become one.