Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gamification in Education

So after watching the video Gamification in Education I think that the whole doing games in class is a great idea. To have to gain XP for grades is better than getting a letter grade for every assignment that you do. Personally I probably would have learned more in high school with this way of learning than with having to do games and communicate with my other classmates, and I’m sure that most of the other people I went to school with would have like that their grade would go up if others were doing well on their XP. Also it could help the teachers more so they wouldn’t have to grade as much papers and not having to waste so much paper to pass out to every student many times a day. It would benefit not just the students but the teachers as well and it could be nice for those teachers to know that their students are actually learning something in their classes. And it would be nice as a student to understand what the teacher is trying to teach you. With so much technology now a days we should be bringing it into the class more to help learn.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"stand up for what is right, even if you're standing alone." This was my first tattoo and to me says that if you need stand for what you believe and what you think and not change your mind just because others don't agree with it. I would rather stand alone with what I believe then follow the crowd.