Friday, November 9, 2012

Unpopular Culture

A popular idea of tattoos and body piercings are that they are ugly and everyone is going to regret in when they get older. I agree with what people have to say about the negative effects tattoos and body piercings are going to have on a person when they get older, and I have tattoos.  Most of these opinions of tattoos and body piercings being a negative popular culture are from old people that don’t understand the expression that tattoos can have for a person, but it is also from the managers from many companies.
 A lot of jobs and employers don’t hire people with visible tattoos and many piercings; this is because they believe they are not professional for the work place. There is starting to be less of a problem with tattoos being a problem with getting a job but it still has an effect with some businesses and their personal beliefs of tattoos. In this article “Are Tattoos in the Workplace Still Taboo?” a women named Jordan Moore has to cover up her tattoos in the doctor’s office she works at. The doctor says that they don’t want people to be offended or make the office seem unprofessional.  Moore says that she probably will have to cover up her tattoos since they cover most of her arms and thighs, but she is ok with that until this generation can take over most of the businesses.
There aren’t any laws to protect anyone that has been fired from a job due to the fact that they have visible tattoos. The legal system is not the place to look when you need help with this situation; they haven’t caught up with the popular culture of tattoos and body piercings. Companies are too terrified of how people will view them if their employees have tattoos and piercings.  To my surprise, Starbucks doesn’t allow their baristas to show tattoos or piercings; all tats must be covered up and piercings removed. They want the crisp, clean look and want to let their coffee show what their all about instead of their employees.
Many people believe that the people that get tattoos are soldiers, lowlifes, and convicts. It’s the old view of how things were back in the day when those were the only people that did get tattoos but now a day everyone has a tattoo. It can be super simple like a small quote on their ribs where no one can see it. But there are people that are 18 years old with multiple tattoos covering most of their body already. That’s the thing though, so many teens and young adults are getting tattoos that express what they thing and how they feel and don’t care if it shows and don’t realize what that tattoo could do to them in the future and their life. But many places are starting to realize that they can’t fight people with tattoos or body piercing they are just trying to get past it the best they can. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Everyone Googles.

This document is of the civil rights vote tally that was taken in 1964. It’s a list of names and marks threw them to show who voted for what and at the top shows if it was passed or not.  The first search sting that I used was for this was the civil rights act of 1964 but I couldn't find much there that I was looking for. Then I used the civil rights vote and looked under Google imagines to find the picture. After I clicked on the link of the picture  I then found that it just told me what the pictures name was and nothing about what it meant. So then I took the name of the picture and used that to find a new site. The only sites that it gave me were 3 cites the first one was off what I have added a link to at the bottom and then 2 other sites that took you to places where you can buy documents.  The first source was credible only to verify that it is a real document that was use back in 1964, but I did some more searching but googling the 1964 civil rights act and found a wikipedia site that used the same picture and gave more information about it. For a credible source better then wikipedia I found was by the U.S Senate committee which gave information about the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I first googled J.F. Blake, 12-1-1955 and found that the first site showed the whole document not just the first half and it gave an explanation of what happened and who was being arrested. This document was of Rosa Parks being arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man in a bus. The first search string that I used worked well because each link took me to different websites of the same information about bus boycotts and Rosa Parks being arrested. Yes that first site was credible but I think that the other site I looked at was a better, more credible site, it was of an article someone wrote about the boycotts and civil rights with many sources to site where the information had come from. 

The first thing I googled was freedom riders map and I got many different links about the different places the freedom rides stopped off at. The first link was to just a short description of what the freedom rides was and who came up with the idea but nothing more as to what happened. I then googled freedom riders CORE and found the website for Congress of Radical Equality which was the group that had put together the freedom rides. I feel that this is the most credible source for this because it is run by the people that did and created the freedom rides. This site gives the story of what happened on that trip, where they had gone, and why they were doing it.

After reading this letter I googled Mrs. Henry M. Robert Jr.  and the first site was a Wikipedia site of the Daughters of the American Revolution, I skipped it and went on to the second site just to make sure I was finding more credible sources. The second site I had found was a government page of the document and a description of what Eleanor Roosevelt reason for write the letter even though it was made very clear in the letter. This site is credible because it was a government site and no one can just make their own government site. I also went back to the Wikipedia site just to see what was said on there and found that it was about the Daughters of the American Revolution. It explained of what they do and how to become one. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

We're all DOOMED!

A lot of people day that video games are bad for you well I don’t totally agree with that, but after reading a few articles about it I can see why others may believe that this is true. I read the article “The Impact of Video Games on Children” by Andrea Norcia, college student writer. Norcia is trying to convince people that when children or adolescents send too much time playing violent video games they tend to become more aggressive, fight with peers, and have confrontation with parents and teachers. There are of course positives to children and adolescents playing video games like improving computer literacy, and better understanding of technology.
            Some supporting evidence are in studies that have been conducted to show the effects video games have. In a study by D. Walsh (2000) he observed and asked teens how much time they spend playing video games. Most of these teens even admitted that their parents don’t enforce a time limit on how long they can or can’t play video games. His study also showed that most parents don’t even know the content and rating of the video games their children are playing.
            One study by Gentile & Anderson (2003) they state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior, because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game. The constant repeating of the same action over and over again throughout the game tends to stick with the child that is play. It’s like brushing your teeth every day twice a day once you learn to do it over and over you do it all the time.
            In a Joint Statement, (2000) they cautioned parents about violence in the media and the effect it can have on children and adolescents. Their report states that exposure to violent media can elevate aggressive feelings and thoughts, these effects on aggressive behavior can be long-term as well. Evidence has suggests that playing violent video games may have a more dramatic influence on the behavior of children and adolescents. Most teenage boys spend an average of 13 hours a week playing video games.
            At the end of this article Andrea Norcia listed all her references, while some where hard to find but most of the studies were used as examples in multiple other articles about the same topic. For the Joint Statement (2000) I found a link to the site that it was affiliated with the link is This site had the whole statement that was given on its web page. While I was trying to verify the studies spoken about in this article I googled all the references she had listed. Most of what I had found where just more articles on the same topic repeating a lot of what Andrea Norcia had said in her article. 
             We may all be doomed one day if people continue to make violent games and if children start spending even more time on them but that won't happen for along time.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Trends and Fads

  1. Tattoos 
                 Tattoos are one of the biggest trends, but it started off as a fad. I would say that tattoos didn't become a trend until the 90’s but lately it has been booming more so than ever. You can walk down the street and see so many people with a tattoo and some people have tattoos but you would never know because they have them hidden. A lot of the start of tattoos was from celebrities and rockstars that were getting more and more tattoos. So many people are getting tattoos now a days and then later regretting it because they were young and stupid when they got it in the first place.


    2.   Social Networking 
                      Social Networking is a new kind of trend but a trend for sure. Everyone has to be updating their status on Facebook, checking in with Twitter, and pinning pictures on Pinterest. It’s just one of those things that is everywhere all the time now.  Even companies are using the social networking sites to get their products more out there and so that people can go like them on Facebook. It’s a trend because everyone will always be using the internet and these sites to keep up with the latest fashion or the hottest celebrities but those sites may change and so many more will be created.  


     3.     Teen Pregnancy 

                    Unfortunately this is a sad but true thing that teen pregnancy is becoming a new trend. Not only is it becoming a trend but some are making look like it’s the best way to go with the show “Teen Mom” and “16 and Pregnant”. Its shows like that that are making it seem to young people that it’s OK. Also you have to add in the reckless behavior that teens are showing so they can deceive their parents which results in a positive pregnancy test.


     4.    Underage Drinking 

                  Underage drinking is huge!  A lot of it is because of the old saying “the forbidden fruit”. Ever since my parents were in high school (the 80’s) going out to parties was cool and drinking at the parties was even cooler. But lately it seems to have escalated more, and law enforcement has stepped up their game for it too.  More minors for underage drinking have been giving out and more punishment for these minors just to prove a point to the young people that what they are doing is OK. And in almost every movie that is aimed for the younger group has to with or a scene in it that has to do with drinking and partying whether it is in a good way or not.

  5.    Divorce

               Divorce has become a very high rating for married couples.  More couples are getting divorce and these couples get divorce because they want to work on their problems as a married couple so they take the easy way out and get a divorce or in some cases just kill each other.  The divorce rate is at 50 percent now and could go up if the trend continues. The age group with the highest divorce rate is the 20 to 25 years old. I think this is because a lot of people are getting married at a young age as a new fad and then also because of teen pregnancies, those young people that get pregnant and think that getting married will help when it really doesn't.


1.     Short to long Skirts
                 This years summer fad has been shorter in the front longer in the back skirts/dresses. Almost every fashion style can just be a fad but sometimes that last to be trends, but this one seems to have a short lived life or it was just for the few short summer months. Yes they were cute and I even have a few short to long skirts and dresses but they are very hard to walk in. That must be why it didn't last for very long cause girls were tripping over their own skirts.

 2.    Colorful Hair
               Hair Color! Pink! Blue! Purple! Even Rainbow, if you think it the hair salons will do it. Every color out there people are getting done to their hair. It was mainly started with celebrities, but it’s just the style and it’s a very hip at the moment. Of course this fad is mostly common among teens and few college students but once they realize that they can’t get jobs with crazy, multi-colored hair. Colorful hair will only last for so long because it’s just another hair style and it may be going on right now but it will not last for much longer.

3.   Gauges 
                Gauges, big small, any size you want you can do. It’s not that hard to gauge your ears but it does start to smell after a while. Gauges started as a tribal sing in third world countries. For some people they became popular by their favorite rock or metal band which is how it first got started in America. For some people they become addicted to the pain of gauging their ears because yet it is painful, but they don’t care they just have to go bigger and bigger. Most of my friends that have gauges though usually stop after a while because at  some size it becomes expensive to buy new gauges for the bigger size.

4.   Hipsters
            Hipsters are a new style in a group of people where they have combined vintage 50’s with 80’s bright colors and added a nerdy twist to it. I can honestly say that I have no clue how this became about but most people that are doing it are pulling it off very well. This is just a fad right now but I do believe that if it dies down it will just start back up soon after it does. Most of these people also are very in tune with having the latest technology like the new iPhone 5. But it’s just a fad so it will be gone just as soon as it started.

5.    Getting Married Young
                Young love it can be so amazing but really that love only last for so long because it is just lust. But of course they are young they don’t understand the differences between love and lust. It seems to just be the same. There wasn't anyone or any group that started this is just sort of happened.  It’s only a fad because teens and young adults just want to grow up and move out and they think that getting married and falling in love is a way of growing up. I may just think this is a fad because I don’t believe in marriage and being love at such a young age because there is so much you could be doing with your life at a young age.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Alien's in the Parking Lot!

Us- This is the parking lot. This is where we park our cars we drive to school.

Alien- Why?

Us- Because cars are how we get to school and other places.

Alien- Why do you drive to school?

Us- Because we are to lazy and like our vehicles.

Alien- Why do you like your vehicles?

Us- Because we are an egotistical society that puts value on our possessions.

Alien- Why do you put value on you possessions?

Us- Because we care about what people think of us.

Alien- Why do you care about what people think of you?


Pictures by Ashley Patrick
Group Ashley, Ryan, Alex, Jimmy, and Micah

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Pop Culture Tour

I made a Glogster for my Pop Culture Tour assignment, I hope everyone likes it!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gamification in Education

So after watching the video Gamification in Education I think that the whole doing games in class is a great idea. To have to gain XP for grades is better than getting a letter grade for every assignment that you do. Personally I probably would have learned more in high school with this way of learning than with having to do games and communicate with my other classmates, and I’m sure that most of the other people I went to school with would have like that their grade would go up if others were doing well on their XP. Also it could help the teachers more so they wouldn’t have to grade as much papers and not having to waste so much paper to pass out to every student many times a day. It would benefit not just the students but the teachers as well and it could be nice for those teachers to know that their students are actually learning something in their classes. And it would be nice as a student to understand what the teacher is trying to teach you. With so much technology now a days we should be bringing it into the class more to help learn.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"stand up for what is right, even if you're standing alone." This was my first tattoo and to me says that if you need stand for what you believe and what you think and not change your mind just because others don't agree with it. I would rather stand alone with what I believe then follow the crowd.